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committee of honor

Mayor of Rio Maior - Filipe Santana Dias

President of World Athletics - Sebastien Coe

President of the Olympic Committee of Portugal- José Manuel Constantino

President of the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth - Augusto Baganha

President of the Portuguese Athletics Federation - Jorge Vieira

President of the Municipal Chamber of Rio Maior - Isaura Morais

President of the Santarém Athletics Association - Eduardo Gonçalves

Councillor of the Sports Council of Rio Maior - Miguel Santos

Administration of Desmor - Miguel Pacheco

Administration of Desmor - Lopes Candoso

President of the Rio Maior Swimming Club - Paula Canadas

Director of the Sports College of Rio Maior - Nuno Pimenta


LOCAL Organizing Committee

Competition Director - Miguel Pacheco

Technical Director - Hugo Dinis

Drinking Station - Clube de Natação de Rio Maior

Accommodation/Food - Carlos Canudo

Controle Doping  - Cláudia Paulo

Side Activities - Maura Alves / Diana Sacoto

Circuit - Vitor Alexandre

Classifications - Associação Atletismo Santarém / FP Atletismo

Media - Ricardo Aurélio

Financial Director- Adília Santos

Physiotherapy - Clinifisio

Registrations/Accreditations - Ricardo Aurélio

Marketing - Hugo Dinis 

Doctor - Miguel Louro

Sponsors - Ana Moreira / Nuno Malta

First Aid - Bombeiros Voluntários de Rio Maior 

Protocol - Ana Moreira

Accreditation Center - Sandra Cerveira 

Security - GNR - Posto Territorial de Rio Maior

Official Site - Cristiana Pires

Sound - Élio Guerreiro 

Transfers - Cláudia Paulo

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